Allstate Insurance Company

Actuarial Intern

May 2024 • Chicago, IL

What I liked

I am about to finish my fourth week in the internship, and I have enjoyed every day of it. Allstate ensures that the actuarial interns are prepped for their roles through many trainings. Our main project is an indication for a relatively small line of business in a single state. It feels so nice to be doing work that matters for the rest of the company. They also have many opportunities for me to connect with other interns. It definitely feels like everyone is connected and supports each other.

What I wish was different

Everything is good so far.


As stated earlier, there are a lot of trainings for the first 3 or so weeks of my internships. Most days had two trainings to work through. Some of the trainings have pre-reading material and post-test validations. So, be prepared to consume a lot of information at the beginning. Just like any other internship, it is strongly recommended to be in constant connection with your supervisor, mentor, and other interns, and it is no different here.
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Technology Developer

June - August 2020 • Chicago, IL

What I liked

The people you work with are genuinely interested in helping you and you learn a lot from a variety of resources available to you. You are working directly in the pipeline of developers(it's not an "intern" project) on an actual project to benefit Allstate and its customers, which is gratifying because you get to see the real impacts of your work.

What I wish was different

Due to Covid, the internship had to be moved to the virtual space. Though Allstate smoothly transitioned online and still offered many resources like mentors and intern buddies, I just wish there were more personal interactions in real life.


Utilize your opportunities to the fullest. Internships like the one at Allstate open up a whole world of resources and connections that are vital to your future success in your career, don't let it go to waste and fully utilize them. Reach out to people outside of your group and learn from them. Take courses on personal development that you wouldn't have before.
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Enterprise Architecture Intern

June - August 2020 • Charlotte, NC

What I liked

I enjoyed the positive work environment. My team was willing to help in any way they could. I had an exceptional manager who prioritized my needs as an intern and gave me multiple opportunities to grow my skill set. I was given projects that were important. I presented my work to Chief Architects and was able to see it implemented before I left. They value you! I had the opportunity to network with a variety of people inside and outside of the scope of my position. The people here care about you and your growth!

What I wish was different

Under the circumstances of Covid, Allstate did a great job transitioning to a virtual program. However, I wish there were more structured times for the interns to mingle one on one.


Utilize your resources, time, and network. The more effort you put in, the more reward you will see!
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Artificial Intelligence In Operations Intern

May 2020 • Tempe, AZ

What I liked

I liked that the intern program was very interactive. Once I was fully onboarded, my team kept me engaged in their projects. They made sure I was always learning and included to see the development of the projects and found ways in which I could assist. This has been one of my best experiences yet.

What I wish was different

I would have enjoyed more intern activities. Even though all intern activities were virtual, it did not stop us from getting to know each other and have fun.


I would recommend any new interns to not be shy or quiet. Everyone is friendly and willing to make sure you get the most out of your experience.
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P&C Actuarial Intern

June - August 2019 • Northbrook, IL

What I liked

Very informative, real-work internship. Got the opportunity to speak with VPs in the company and set up a meeting with the Chief Actuary. A mentor was assigned to me to help me throughout the entire internship and ask any questions. I completed real projects that an entry-level actuary would complete.

What I wish was different



Be a sponge and soak in all the information. Don’t be afraid to ask questions and network with everyone.
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